It is important for everyone, including aging loved ones, to be prepared for tornadoes because of the damage they can cause and how frequently. The aging population, in particular, may be at a higher risk of injury or death due to their physical limitations, such as mobility issues, hearing or vision impairment, and chronic health conditions.
Senior Living Specialists has compiled a list of tips that you can use as a caregiver to help ensure the safety of your aging loved one in the case of a tornado.
1. Know When Texas’ Tornado Season Is
Historically, the tornado season has started for Texas in April and runs through June. 2023 is off to a bit of a unique start as February had several tornado producing storms.
2. Explain the Difference Between Watch and Warning to Your Aging Loved One
This can be a particularly challenging endeavor for many caregivers; especially if your aging loved one has memory care challenges. Let them know that a tornado watch simply indicates that weather conditions are favorable to see tornadoes potentially develop. A tornado warning should tell your loved one that a tornado has been spotted and to take immediate coverage. You should also remember that events like this can standout to the daily life of your aging loved one and they might reach out to you to see if it’s something they should be concerned about.
3. Remind Them About Monthly Emergency Testing
If your aging loved one has struggled with memory or their cognitive abilities as they age, they can be confused by the sound of emergency siren testing. Try to remind them that the state of Texas conducts their monthly testing on the first Wednesday of every month (if weather is permitting).
4. Confirm They Know the Safety Areas of The Assisted Living Facility
Most facilities will explain the locations in their buildings that are designated to be safety areas during tornadoes. If you are unsure, as an administrator of the facility and they should be able to explain all the emergency procedures to you and your aging loved one.
5. Limited Mobility = Plan Even Further in Advance
If your aging loved one is in a wheelchair or has limited mobility, you can consider informing them that they need to start making their way to safety well in advance of hearing a tornado siren or seeing a tornado warning. Texas can produce storms with sudden touch downs and every second can count towards their safety.
6. Consider Purchasing a Portable Emergency Alert Radio
Emergency alert radios can provide timely information around tornado emergency situations. They are typically easy to use (large buttons, clear displays) with simple controls to make it easy for seniors to operate. If your aging loved one doesn’t have a TV, this should be an essential for them living in the state of Texas.
Having a plan can be the difference maker and save your loved one precious time during these emergency situations. You should also go over these tips and their emergency plan regularly so it stays fresh in their mind – preferably at least every year before tornado season starts in Texas. If you have any questions around assisted living facilities and their tornado procedures, contact Senior Living Specialists and we can help you locate those plans.