If the time comes when you or a family member can no longer manage living in your own home, an apartment in an assisted living facility could be the next best thing for many reasons. The process of choosing the best Dallas assisted living facility or best Fort Worth assisted living facility can be very overwhelming.
Oftentimes in my discussions with families, one of the first concerns or questions deals with financials. A question that often comes up from a family member…does Medicare Pay for Assisted Living Care?
Many people tend to think that Medicare will in fact cover the cost of assisted living, but unfortunately it doesn’t cover long term care at any facilities. Medicare tends to cover short-term stays in rehabilitation facilities up to 100 days for a variety of illnesses, injuries or surgeries.
If you or a family member has any questions about this topic, please reach out to Paul by email at Paul@SeniorLivingSpecialists.com or by phone at 214.929.5055.