The statistics are staggering for the number of people expected to be affected by Alzheimer’s within the next 5 – 10 years. Caring for somebody with Alzheimer’s can be very tough and frustrating.
In my case, I wasn’t prepared for this disease to affect my mom at such a young age since her family had many people that lived into their 90s. It’s a tough disease to tend to and often the stress tends to fall on the caregiver. Something that has helped me to get through the daily challenges that I do face with being a caregiver is being able to talk with other people. I found it early on that I was holding too much inside me. There are many different caregiver support groups for Alzheimer’s available throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex. The Alzheimer’s Association is a great place to start as they can provide families with all different stages of support groups. [Read more…]